IYDU Freedom Forum Rome Report

The International Young Democrat Union organized the Freedom Forum in Rome, hosted by the youth wing of Forza Italia from November 9th to November 12th. The conference aimed to address significant global events and future initiatives, featuring notable discussions and meetings. Over 50 guests from all over the world gathered in the Italian capital to strengthen cooperation and strategic partnerships.

The event commenced on Thursday evening with a welcome reception, offering introductory remarks from the hosts, Forza Italia Giovani leadership, specifically Deputy Chairman Simone Leoni, and Ludovico Seppilli, International Secretary. The honorable Deborah Bergamini MP and honorable Matteo Perego, Undersecretary of State for Defense, also offered welcoming words and provided an overview of the current focus point of the Italian government.

The following day began with a meeting with the Italian Ambassador to the Holy See, Francesco Di Nitto, who highlighted the unique relationship between the Italian government and the Vatican State. Subsequently, the IYDU met with Senator Pierantonio Zanettin, Deputy Charmain of the EU Policy Committee, who shared insights on pertinent current events. He emphasized Italy’s role in addressing the crisis in Israel and Gaza, along with matters concerning migration into the European Union.

Following a private tour of the Italian Senate, the IYDU attended a panel discussion centered on Forza Italia’s Foreign Policy. Distinguished panelists included Deborah Bergamini, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee; Alessandro Battilocchio, EU Policy Committee representative, and also Michael Dust, Chairman of the IYDU. Later that day, the delegation was hosted by Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Antonio Tajani, who delivered insights into ongoing international events and the Italian government’s approach to foreign policy matters.

After an IYDU Board Meeting in the morning, Saturday’s itinerary featured a panel discussion on “Italian Strategic Assets,” which involved the participation of Public Affairs Managers from various sectors within the Italian industry such as strategically significant companies ENI, TERNA and Ferrovie dello Stato. Overall, the Freedom Forum organized by IYDU in collaboration with Forza Italia Giovani in Rome offered a platform for robust discussions on global affairs, diplomatic initiatives, and strategic considerations impacting Italy and the broader international community. We are very grateful to our hosts and all participants, who made their way from all over the world to attend this significant gathering.

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